Funeral Services
Sunan Ibn Majah, 1616
The wife of the Prophet PBUH, Aisha RA, reported that the Prophet PBUH said:
“breaking the bone of a dead is as sinful as breaking the bone of the living”
In adherence to this hadith, we recommend preventing an autopsy. The NSW Health has issued procedures when a death occurs, if applied, may help prevent an autopsy. To achieve this, it is strongly recommended that you and your doctor meet once or twice every three months for a medical check-up. When death occurs, inform the police, ambulance and/or hospital staff of your local doctor and ask to place the deceased on hold until your doctor arrives to issue a Medical Death Certificate.
If an autopsy is required by the Police or NSW Health, then it is recommended that you allow it to happen to avoid any doubt that may be surrounding their death.
After you have followed these steps contact: 0423 249 090 and our funeral director will make arrangements for the deceased.
Islamic funeral arrangements including:
Transport, washing, and shrouding the deceased prior to the Funeral Prayer.
Providing a casket, death certificate, and burial plot purchase at appropriate cemeteries.
Transportation to and burial at cemetery.
Note: Deceased females are cared for by female staff members only. All preparations are done in adherence to Islamic rules.